22 May 17:00-17:45Slagthuset, room Slagt 1

Are you ready to join the European Game Support League initiative?

Some of you participated in our survey at the end of 2023
Some of you have attended our initial presentations
Some of you have joined the SIG incubator
Some of you have been involved in similar initiatives in the past

The good news is 🌟

All these facets reveal the same desire and understanding that we – the supporting infrastructure on the regional level with a strong focus on early-stage entrepreneurs – need to join forces to scale up the efficiency and scope of our support and increase the impact on our regional game industry.

The even better news is

With the BSG Go! project, co-funded by the Interreg-BSR programme, we have the opportunity to establish and test a sound and sustainable basis for such a joint venture, the LEAGUE.

The LEAGUE and the IGDA Incubation SIG
For those of you who are wondering about how those two initiatives are compliant, let us assure you that we are working on complementary and not competitive grounds. The LEAGUE intends to be highly activity-focused and to use the resources available within Europe to carry out joint transnational activities. We will benefit from the exchange and communication networking and the opportunity of the global reach-out with the IGDA Incubation SIG. In return, we will feed new impulses from the LEAGUE into the IGDA Incubation SIG exchange.

Let's Talk League at Nordic Game!

We will inaugurate and present the League on Wednesday 22nd of May, 17:00-17:45 at Nordic Game in Malmö and invite you for more detailed discussions.

📆 Wednesday, May 22nd, 2024
⏰ 17:00 - 17:45
📍Room Slagt 1, Slagthuset, Carlsgatan 12e, 211 20 Malmö
